Wednesday, 11 November 2009

FEEDBACK - Asking out class what they think


We decided that it would be a good idea to show our rough draft to our Media Class to get positive and negative feedback as to what was working well and what didn't look too good.

  • Most people agreed that the overall idea of the music video was a good one, mainly because it fits the genre of the song we chose really well. So this gave us confidence that our idea works well and that we wouldn't have to do any major changes.
  • Something that mostly everyone agreed on that they thought was really effective was our use of fading images and layering different shots over eachother. They found that this accentuates the emotion of the music and fits well with the song as it gives a soft feel. This made us decide that we would add in more of these types of shots when we come to do another, longer draft of our music video.
  • People gave us feedback that the Editing was good, as it fitted the pace of the song. We found that people liked the use of dissolves when changing shots as it fitted in with the music, which we felt also worked well.
  • Someone said that they thought that our suttle interpretations of the lyrics worked well, for example, when the lyric goes "I was on the edge of darkness" We have her on the edge of the spotlight. Also people liked that we didn't take the lyrics too seriously and made them too literal.
  • People liked that we put the close up of the "ghostly face" behind the walking shot, but we were told it wasn't too clear and we should make it clearer.

  • Mostly all our negative feedback surrounded the pond shots that we had filmed. We found that people agreed that it doesn't work well, mainly due to the fact that all the other shots were filmed at night where the back-light was dark, however shots in this location were filmed in the day. People told us that it just didn't follow on well enough and didn't look good in the sequence that we placed it in as it just jumped from night to day.
  • We got a few mixed reviews on the acting in our music video, even though most people agreed that the acting was very good, some people said that the acting should have been a bit more exaggerated.
  • We got feedback that most of the shots we had filmed appeared to be either long or mid shots. Some people said that we needed some more variety as we didn't have many close up shots, which we agreed with. Especially the walking shot, as people felt this was too long and needed to be replaced with a mixture of close ups and long shots as she walked.

The feedback was very useful to us as it just reinforced what we felt wasn't working very well, and as we got exactly the same feedback from out class as what we thought, we knew what we had to change. Also our class has people from ages 17-19 which are part of our target audience, so it's good to see that they understand our idea and like it.

Overall, from this draft, we have concluded that we must do some more filming in order to make our film better than it is. Changes that we are going to make are that we may film the pond scene at night so it fits in with the rest of the film. Re-film in our locations a wider variety of shots and re-think our shot order when editing again.

We have decided that we are going to do this on Sunday as our group and our actress are all free to film. We will also take pictures for out Album cover that day.

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